Proactive Email Management Can Result in Substantial Savings

emc-eas-logoIn EMC’s 15 Minute Guide to eDiscovery and Early Case Assessment they have an example that compares the cost of a proactive eDiscovery approach to a reactive approach. As you would guess, the expenses and risks associated with eDiscovery are massive unless you are proactive and incorporate an email management solution that works in harmony with your eDiscovery solution such as EMC Kazeon.

eDiscovery Issues & Exposure

In eDiscovery, your in-house administrators need to quickly and effectively produce targeted and relevant correspondence – no more, no less. Ineffective, inefficient or nonexistent governance, information policies and procedures leave your organization exposed to potential sanctions, fines and other penalties. Email management software makes this possible by allowing all email correspondence to be discoverable along with other electronic documents in the eDiscovery process.

By the Numbers

The following highlights the different between a reactive and a proactive approach to eDiscovery based on five years of data:

Reactive Proactive
Collection $420,000 $63,000
Hold $300,000 $60,000
Inspect / Review $525,000 $368,000
Produce $255,000 $64,000
Total $1,500,000 $555,000

A proactive approach results in a 63% lower cost of eDiscovery than a reactive approach.

Additional Email Management Benefits for eDiscovery

The benefits of a proactive approach utilizing email management with eDiscovery are three-fold:

  1. Reduced costs: less data for processing, fewer services used
  2. Reduced risk: less distribution of data, greater consistency of data presented
  3. Exercise control: more control over processes, more control over data

With the right email management solution, such as Email Manager from CMA, you’ll be on the road to a proactive approach to eDiscovery. What road are you on?