Customer Service and Billing – An Energy Industry Case Study

Work Smarter - Workflow90% of all electronic correspondence is still conducted through email. Customer service and billing are no exception, as many companies send their billings through mass email or directly from an accounts receivable clerk electronically.  What happens to all those emails that are stored in your service rep’s inbox?  Worse, what happens when an electronic billing bounces back due to an invalid customer email address? Continue reading Customer Service and Billing – An Energy Industry Case Study

Email Automation, Compliance, and Productivity

Manx Business Solutions

Manx Business Solutions (MBS) helps their customers better manage critical information and documents with Email Manager and Laserfiche. In today’s economy, organizations are investing in technology to increase productivity efficiency, mitigate risk and meet the ever increasing burden of compliance. As the primary source for much of the information we create and consume today is email, this must be part of an integrated solution. Continue reading Email Automation, Compliance, and Productivity